

I spend a lot of time studying things I find interesting; it’s an odd hobby but there you have it. Coursera plays a fairly large part in that.

My profile is here:

I did the original two Udacity courses waaaay back when, but my account appears not to work any longer (I assume they moved fast and broke things) and I haven’t bothered to email them.

For some reason, I never got much into edX. I did part of MIT’s 6.002x back when it first rolled out, and dabbled in a few other courses, but none stuck.

As of now, here’s what I’ve done on Coursera within the past few years:

  • Chinese Politics 1 and 2
  • The entire EMT specialization
  • Learning How to Learn
  • Risk in Modern Society
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Monetary Policy in the Asia Pacific